Support TMSA » Annual Innovation Fund

Annual Innovation Fund

Annual Innovation Fund Logo
The Annual Innovation Fund is The Main Street Academy's (TMSA) premier fundraiser and the most important annual giving opportunity at our school. As a public charter school, TMSA does not charge tuition and does not receive public additional funding through SPLOST that traditional public schools receive for capital improvement projects and ongoing facility maintenance. Thus, TMSA strongly relies on the generous support from our donors and community partners to help provide our students and teachers with exceptional educational and instructional experiences. All gifts, both large and small, help provide TMSA scholars with an exceptional learning experience and are greatly appreciated. All supporters of the TMSA community are encouraged to participate and make a tax-deductible donation to the Annual Innovation Fund between July 1 - June 30 each school year. The goal for the 2024 - 2025 Annual Innovation Goal is $100,000 and 100% parent participation. 
View this video to see how your contribution to the Annual Innovation Fund will support The Main Street Academy!
Annual Innovation Fund Wish List

Last year, (SY 2022- 2023) TMSA began repairing and renovating the outdated 64-year-old student restrooms. Our campus has fourteen student restrooms. Six of them have been repaired and renovated with eight awaiting the replacement or repair of Sinks, Toilets, Urinals, Plumbing Fixtures, Floor Tiles, Stall Walls/Doors, Wall Tiles, Hand dryers, Lights Fixtures, Light Bulbs, and Ceiling Tiles. The cost to renovate a set of restrooms (one girls & one boys)

Total Cost: $90,000

*Donations in lesser increments are accepted

TMSA is seeking your support in enriching our students' education by building a greenhouse! The greenhouse will expand our agriculture and farming program so that our students have more exposure to planting and harvesting plants, flowers, fruits, vegetables, and herbs. As a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts/Agriculture, and Math (STEAM) school, we are seeking to expand our outdoor gardening classes so that our students may host community farmer's markets! Students will sell what they have grown and harvested. Our greenhouse farming program will also support our students in expanding their entrepreneurship and business School-Wide Enrichment Model (SEM) classes and their career awareness electives.

Total Cost: $30,000

*Donations in lesser increments are accepted

TMSA is seeking your support in upgrading our outdated classroom learning spaces to flexible learning environments. The intent behind flexible classrooms/studios is to provide both formal and informal learning experiences that allow the classroom to be easily transformed based on the lessons or activities that are taking place within the learning environment. Flexible learning environments foster growth while allowing students to have additional independent decision-making abilities. As student collaboration continues to be a pillar in the learning process; flexible classroom learning environments allow teachers to take on the role of facilitator, while students collaborate and explore learning at their own comfort levels. As such, TMSA is seeking the assistance of sponsors to expand flexible learning spaces from TMSA’s Innovation Center to every classroom on campus. TMSA has 47 classrooms that will need to be transformed.

Total Cost: $17,000 per classroom/learning studio

*Donations in lesser increments are accepted

TMSA is seeking your support in revitalizing our existing overgrown and out-of-use tennis courts! Last year, (SY 2022- 2023) the Dicks Sporting Goods Foundation donated $10,000 in support of our efforts. We are seeking additional supporters so that the project can be fully funded and completed.

Total Cost: $25,000 

*Donations in lesser increments are accepted

Frequently Asked Questions
Every dollar contributed to the Annual Innovation Fund is used for school facility support and to enhance the educational curricula and programs for the TMSA student body. 
We're seeking 100% participation from TMSA families to help achieve the 2024 - 2025 Annual Innovation Fund's goal of $100,000. Every TMSA household is asked to contribute a minimum of $100 annually to the Annual Innovation Fund. However, no contribution is too big or too small. TMSA will also seek corporate contributions to the fund. 
Not only does your participation represent a high level of community commitment to TMSA's mission, it also strengthens our case when seeking support from foundations and corporations. Your gift to the fund, regardless of the financial amount, is essential to ensuring TMSA students receive an exceptional education.