Parents » Infinite Campus

Infinite Campus


Infinite Campus


The Infinite Campus portals - Campus Parent and Campus Student - provide access to information for all TMSA-enrolled students. Information includes grades, attendance, assignments, and school announcements. 

Note: Parents must register the first time they are accessing their account. All students have access to Campus Student.


How do I set-up my Infinite Campus parent portal account?

It is CRITICAL that all TMSA parents be connected through Infinite Campus. All portal accounts require a one-time activation to create your ID and password. Please be sure to utilize Google Chrome as your web browser and check your spam folder for any emails that may come during the activation process. You must be a parent/guardian of a current TMSA student and have the following:

    • Student first and last name (as entered on the birth certificate)
    • Student ID number 
    • Student Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Student grade level (2024 - 2025 grade level)
To obtain access to Infinite Campus, please complete and submit the Infinite Campus Access Request Form
Update Household Content Information via Infinite Campus
Infinite Campus
It's very important for all existing TMSA parents and guardians to update their hosehold's contact information, specifically the current phone number and email address, via the Infinite Campus portal. Any changes in residency must be shared with TMSA's Data Manager, LaShonda Liptrot, with two proofs of residency. If parents/guardians experience an issue accessing Infinite Campus, please email  LaShonda Liptrot to obtain the activation key.