Curriculum » Agriculture Science

Agriculture Science

TMSA scholars are exposed to the life cycle and interconnected relationships of plants, animals, and living things as they exist in our local communities and world. On the east side of our campus, our school garden allows students to plant, maintain, and harvest fruits, vegetables, and herbs such as strawberries, squash, sage, basil, romaine & kale lettuce, figs, tomatoes, and eggplants. On the south side of our campus, we have a 900-square-foot chicken run that is equipped with a chicken coop, nesting boxes, a feeding station, and a perching area for our roosters and egg-laying chickens/hens. Adjacent to the chicken run is our small animal barn area where our Nigerian dwarf goats live. Also, on the south side of the campus, our students and staff have access to our pollinator garden, monarch butterfly garden, and several seasonal flower bed boxes. On the lower side of our campus, we have a large animal barn and animal pasture for our sheep and donkeys. In our school’s cafeteria, there are several small hydroponic gardens that students can tend to and observe small plant and vegetable growth as they pass through during their lunch periods. In our main front hallway, there is a 70-gallon tropical fish tank that our students pass by on the way to classes, allowing the scholars to decompress while observing the fish in their calming aquatic environment. We also have a bunny rabbit named Peter who can often be found hopping along the front office conference room or being held and petted by students and staff members. Several staff members have explored and are exposing our scholars to expanded wellness and behavior management through animal therapy.