CCRPI Georgia Parent Survey

January 25, 2024
Greetings TMSA Parents,

Please complete the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) Georgia Parent Survey now through Friday, January 26th. If you completed this survey in its entirety last semester and successfully submitted it, there's no need to retake the survey.

This survey (available in English and Spanish) is required by the Georgia Department of Education and provides a foundation for TMSA's Climate Star rating score and is a part of the CCRPI. The climate scores are an important indicator of TMSA's culture and climate. TMSA will receive a 1-5 star rating, with five stars representing an excellent school climate, and one star representing a school climate most in need of improvement. This survey is anonymous and confidential.

Thank you for sharing your feedback by completing this important survey.

Survey Link:
CCRPI Survey