State Required Scoliosis Screening for TMSA 6th and 8th Grade Students

January 17, 2024
Revised January 23, 2024
Dear TMSA 6th and 8th Grade Parents and Guardians - 
The Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) will be conducting scoliosis screening for TMSA's  6th and 8th grade students on February 13, 2024, here on campus. Scoliosis screening is required for all students in the 6th and 8th grades who attend public school in Georgia.

Scoliosis is a sideways curve of the spine. About 3% of children are affected by scoliosis. It can occur at any age but is often noticeable between the ages of 9 and 16, when growth occurs rapidly. Early detection is important to avoid potentially serious problems later in life if a spinal curve is not recognized, treated, and it continues to progress. The screening test is an observation of the child’s back when standing and bending forward.

There are options for how the screening can be completed:
Submit a completed Form #4400, Certificate of Scoliosis screening. Form #4400 can be completed by a physician with an active GA license or person working under the supervision of a physician with an active GA license, the local health department, or licensed school nurse. A completed Form #4400 should be provided to the school within the first 90 days of 6th and 8th grade. Form #4400 can be found at
Children can participate in the school scoliosis screening event scheduled on February 13, 2024. Students without a completed Form #4400 on file more than 90 days after the start of school will be asked to participate in scoliosis screening during a school screening event. Parents or guardians can choose to not have their student screened for scoliosis by selecting the opt-out option on Form #4400 or opt-out of the school scoliosis screening event later in the school year.

There are several benefits to having your child(ren) screened (please see the attached document), especially at no charge and on campus at TMSA. The procedure for screening is simple. A trained screener (nurse, PE teacher, coach, or trained volunteer) looks at the child’s back in the standing position and in several bending positions. Boys and girls are screened separately. Girls should wear a halter, bra, or bathing suit top underneath their clothing on the day of the screening. Boys are screened with their shirts removed.
Scoliosis Screening Forms will be distributed to 6th and 8th grade parents and guardians the week of January 22nd. Parents and guardians do have the option of opting their students out from screening by completing and submitting the Scoliosis Screening Opt-Out Form. If parents/guardians do not opt-out, their child(ren) will be screened. 
Post-screening, if your child has a suspected curvature, you will be notified in writing advising you of the findings and recommendations regarding follow-up."


Thank You,

Nurse Jackson
The Main Street Academy