Inclusive Schools Week: Unity Within Our Community

Inclusive Schools Week is an annual event that is held annually during the first full week in December. Since its inception in 2001, Inclusive Schools Week has celebrated the progress that schools have made in providing a supportive and quality education to an increasingly diverse student population, including students who are marginalized due to disability, gender, socio-economic status, cultural heritage, language preference, and other factors. The week also provides an important opportunity for educators, students, and parents to discuss what else needs to be done to ensure that their schools continue to improve their ability to successfully educate all children.

This year, Inclusive Schools Week’s theme is “Unity Within Our Community.” Join us in celebrating Inclusive Schools Week December 5 - 9, 2022! We will celebrate our scholars that receive supportive services during this time. 

Schedule of Events

Monday, Dec. 5 - Silly Sock Day: All students, faculty and staff are encouraged to participate in this to show that no one is left out when we celebrate differences in people.

Tuesday, Dec. 6 - Asynchronous Learning Day

Wednesday, Dec. 7 - Hat Day: All students, faculty and staff

Thursday, Dec. 8 -  Coloring Contest

Friday, Dec. 9 - Inclusive Schools Week Assembly: All students who receive support services (media center) 2:00- Dismissal;  Inclusive lunch for teachers provided by the SEC department. Lunch will be served during all lunch periods. And the Coloring Contest Winner Announcement.