TMSA's 7th Grade Project Based Learning Centers on Monarch Butterfly Waystations

The Main Street Academy's  7th grade team has been busy applying Math, Science, ELA, and Social Studies standards into Building a Certified Monarch Butterfly Waystation, our Project Based Learning (PBL) plan for the 2021 - 2022 school year. The overall goal of this project is to build a habitat that will help support, conserve, and protect Monarch butterfly populations as they make their yearly migration from the United States to Mexico. 

Math concepts supported by this project include measuring for the area, volume, and surface area of two and three- dimensional objects as students map and plan the layout for our Monarch habitat.

For Social Studies, students are applying their knowledge about water issues in Africa to compare and contrast similar issues affecting communities in Georgia and the USA, specifically, water quality issues affecting our local communities.

Science will apply concepts from ecology where students will use the Monarch Waystation to explain patterns and relationships between Monarch butterflies and their environments. Students will extend their knowledge of these relationships as they collect, interpret, and analyze data from the Monarch Waystation to explain how Monarch butterfly populations are affected by resource availability, disease, and climate.

Finally, English Language Arts will create a presentation that describes, informs, and explains the process of creating this community project and how it will be used by TMSA students in the future.


Thank You,

Mr. Duffie - Social Studies
Ms. Hemans - Math
Ms. Jenkins - Life Science
Ms. Wheatley - ELA