Over 50 Interactive Promethean Whiteboards Successfully Installed at TMSA

Based on a strategic recommendation from Principal Parker, The Main Street Academy’s Governing Board approved the purchase and installation of over 50 Promethean Boards from ProLogic ITS. The boards were partially funded from the Federal Charter School COVID Relief Grant. Promethean Boards were installed in each core TMSA classroom, as well as specials (music, art, etc.) classrooms and the Media Center, to ensure an equitable, 1:1 interactive learning experience for all students in every class setting.

Principal Parker states, “Late 2020 as TMSA administrators strategized the school’s on campus re-opening plan for January 2021, I envisioned technology, Promethean Boards, that would allow teachers to successfully and simultaneously teach both virtual and face-to-face students.”

Promethean Boards are interactive, educational whiteboards. Anything that can be done on a computer monitor can be replicated on a Promethean Board, which then becomes viewable by the entire classroom of virtual and face-to-face students. Classroom applications for using Promethean Boards include:

  • Multimedia lessons and presentations including audio and video

  • Collaborative problem solving

  • Virtual field trips

  • Showcasing students’ projects and presentations

The Main Street Academy offers a technology advantage as several Fulton County public and charter schools do not offer 1:1 Promethean Board technology to students.


Mr. Winston
“My students are really enjoying the Promethean Board, especially the face-to-face students as they tired of looking at their tablets. My students enjoy seeing their answers on the big screen! This new technology makes teaching easier and allows me to engage with my face-to-face and virtual students simultaneously. The Promethean Board provides an equitable and inclusive learning environment.”
- Mr. Winston, TMSA 4th Grade Teacher