iReady Grade Level Parent Informational Virtual Meetings

Greetings TMSA Parents and Guardians,
The Main Street Academy's grade levels (K-8) are hosting virtual iReady Informational Sessions the afternoon of Tuesday, February 23, 2021. Join TMSA teachers, collectively per grade level, as they discuss iReady in more detail and share important information on how to better understand iReady assessment reporting. Please request a separate meeting with your teacher if you wish to specifically discuss your child's individual iReady diagnostic results. 
Please join your child's grade level iReady Informational Session via the meeting logistics communicated directly by his/her teacher or via the following schedule:
We trust you received your child's most recent iReady diagnostic report this past Friday, if not earlier. Please contact your child's teacher immediately if you didn't not receive the reporting in advance of the iReady Informational Sessions.