Internet Safety and Tips

Students at The Main Street Academy utilize the Internet for a number of reasons and we often take for granted that our kids are safe on the Internet; but often times they are not. Studies have revealed that just over half of parents even moderately supervise their kids' Internet usage and an estimated 20% do not supervise their kids' Internet use at all. While 62% of teens report their parents have no idea what they do on the Internet, there's 72% of all Internet-related missing children aged 15 and older. This is alarming and scary!
We have to take a moment and check in on our children. People are out there taking advantage of  vulnerability of kids.
While students use the Internet for school projects, games, social media and chatting with friends, let's also talk to kids about reproducing information they may find on the Internet. Use of information, written works for projects, educational or business, and images, we have to be careful with how we use someone else work or posts. Misuse of someone else creation may result in reports of abuse, violation, infringement and can be removed. It is very important that we all adhere to privacy concerns and/or rules to not violate privacy.  Kids should also be made aware of potential consequences of taking pictures or videos of their peers without permission. 
Please click on the following links to obtain documentation for tips and facts on Internet safety that you and your child(ren) can take advantage of:
I've also included a Family Pledge flyer that you can use to remember to always practice safety on the Internet!
Safety first!
Jamil Johnson-Pearson
The Main Street Academy
Parent Liaison