Student Device User Agreement
2023 - 2024 School Year
Purpose: In order to support learning, The Main Street Academy TMSA is providing devices to students. Like a textbook, the device is a resource to support learning.
Students with devices are required to follow the guidelines within this document, as well as all school, classroom, and the TMSA Student Parent Handbook policies and procedures regarding behavior and technology use.
Receiving the Device: Parents and students must agree to this document. Students must also complete the digital citizenship curriculum that the school requires.
Returning the Device: Devices will be returned to the school at the end of the school year, unless otherwise communicated by the school. The use of devices provided by TMSA is not transferable to anyone and terminates when a student is no longer enrolled at the issuing school.
Students who transfer, withdraw, are expelled, or terminate enrollment at the school for any reason must return their device on the date of withdrawal/termination. A student who fails to return the device will be subject to paying up to the full replacement cost of the device and any accessories, and may also have grade cards, transcripts, diplomas or certificates of progress withheld until restitution is made.
Damage and Loss: All TMSA-issued devices are the property of TMSA. If a device is damaged, lost, or stolen during the time that it is issued to the student, whether intentionally or due to negligence, the student and the student’s parent/guardian will be responsible for paying the fines outlined in this document.
Responsible Device Use: All users of TMSA-issued devices must follow the expectations outlined in TMSA Student Parent Handbook and the Fulton County Schools Student Discipline/Student Code of Conduct. Failure to follow these expectations will lead to applicable student disciplinary consequences.
While off school grounds parents/guardians are solely responsible for monitoring the student's use of the device. Students may not exhibit inappropriate behaviors, or access prohibited materials with the device, at any time, at any location. Students will be subject to disciplinary and/or legal action if they use the device for inappropriate activities, whether on or off school grounds.
Privacy: Nothing done on TMSA-issued devices is private. TMSA staff may, at any point, confiscate and search the contents of any TMSA-issued electronic device. Devices are enabled with GPS locating systems, and in the case of loss or theft, this system will be activated.
TMSA recognizes all aspects of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA), and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
TMSA does not monitor students' home networks, devices, or Internet connection. The TMSA does monitor the use of TMSA-issued devices; however, TMSA only tracks the location of TMSA-issued devices in the event of loss or theft of the device. TMSA will notify parents and students if it decides to monitor or track devices contrary to this paragraph.
Applications: TMSA has researched key applications which will be preinstalled on each device. Throughout the year, additional applications may be added to support learning. Purchasing and installing these applications is the responsibility of the TMSA Information Technology Department. No one other than an authorized school official may add or delete applications from a TMSA-issued device. "Jail breaking" and hacking of devices is not permitted.
Fines for Device Damage, Loss, or Theft
If for any reason the device is lost, stolen or damaged during the time it is issued to the student, whether intentionally or due to negligence, the student and the student’s parent/guardian are responsible for the following fines during the school year:
*Full replacement cost for devices includes the device, all accessories, software licenses and setup.
These fines apply to instances of willful alteration of the device, it’s operating system, or network functionality either through the download of applications or by other means. Additional disciplinary consequences for this behavior include up to 10 days’ out-of-school suspension if such tampering is determined to be part of a habitual pattern of behavior on the part of the student. Please see sections Student Issued Devices in the Code of Conduct for further discussion. Payment for fines are due within 60 days of reporting damage, loss, or theft. For instances of theft, the school must be notified within 48 hours of the acknowledgment of theft. Payments should be made to:
2861 Lakeshore Drive, College Park, Georgia 30337
Attention: Information Technology Department.
If the device is stolen during the time that it is issued to the student, the student and the student’s parent/guardian will be responsible for filing a police report and submitting it to the school administration.
Failure to Return a Device or Accessories upon Withdrawal from the School:
A student who fails to return a device or any accessories without reporting them lost or stolen will be responsible for the full replacement cost of the items that were not returned.
WARNING: Students should not attempt to remove anything from, add anything to, or otherwise change the physical structure of any TMSA device in any way. This includes, but is not limited to, altering keys, memory cards, batteries, screens, chargers, ID labels, ports, power cords, cameras, or any other exterior or interior component. Any change to the physical structure (including inserting foreign objects) to any of technology issued by TMSA could result in permanent damage, electrical arcing, or overheating, and may pose a heat, fire, or safety risk. Students/families should report all device problems to the TMSA Information Technology Department.
TMSA is not responsible for damage resulting from student misuse of TMSA-issued devices.
Parents can choose to purchase insurance for the device. Note that insurance companies typically cover theft, but not loss of a device.
This information is provided for convenience only. The TMSA does not endorse any particular insurance provider, and each family should carefully verify the services provided by any insurance provider as a company's policy can change.
While you may purchase insurance for your device or your homeowner's insurance may cover the device, the TMSA will not be responsible for communicating with your insurance provider. You remain solely responsible for paying fines directly to TMSA.
Student Device User Agreement Signature Form
a. Cords and cables must be inserted carefully into the device to prevent damage.
b. Devices must never be left in an unlocked locker, unlocked car or any unsupervised area.
c. Report any software/hardware issues to your teacher as soon as possible.
d. Keep the device in a well-protected, temperature controlled environment when not in use.
2. I will never loan out my school-issued device to other individuals.
3. I will keep food and beverages away from my device since they may cause damage to the device.
4. I will not disassemble, physically alter, jail break, hack, or insert any foreign objects into any part of my or any school-issued device or attempt any repairs.
5. I will protect my school-issued device by carrying it closed and with both hands or inside of the case, if provided with one.
6. I will use my school-issued device in ways that are appropriate and meet the school's expectations—whether at school, at home, or anywhere else. If I use my device in a way that is inappropriate, I may be disciplined by the school.
7. I will not place decorations (such as stickers, markers, etc.) on the school-issued device. I will not deface the serial number sticker on any school-issued device.
8. I understand that my school-issued device is subject to inspection at any time without notice and remains the property of the TMSA. Nothing I do with the device is private, and nothing I have on the device is private.
I will not share my password(s) with anyone other than a teacher or adult from my school or my parent/guardian.
I understand that if I damage or lose my device, or if it is stolen, I will have to pay a fine.
My student and I agree to the rules set forth in the Device User Agreement and the Student Pledge.