Important Reminders Regarding Springtime Allergies and Medicine Administration

March 19, 2024
Greetings TMSA Parents and Guardians,
It's springtime and allergy season has begun to impact our scholars.
Please note the following important reminders:
  • If your child(ren) has known seasonal allergy/allergies, please medicate them at home before arriving at school.
  • Per Fulton County Schools' policy, Nurse Jackson CAN NOT administer ANY medications unless signed SHS-1 form(s) and medication(s) have been submitted to the school clinic. Only the parental/guardian signature is required for  OTC medications. For prescription medication, the form must be signed by a physician. Click here to obtain the SHS-1 Form.
If students have asthma, springtime can exacerbate symptoms.  Parents who need to keep an inhaler in school must ensure they have an asthma action plan to submit along with their inhaler which must have a pharmacy label​.
More information on seasonal allergies can be found here: Managing Seasonal Allergies in Kids | Children's Healthcare of Atlanta (
Thank you for your assistance. Please contact Nurse Jackson if you have any additional questions or concerns. 
Seasonal Allergies