TMSA Honors Breast Cancer Survivors and Warriors at Brunch Hosted by Members of the Inspiring Leaders Cohort

Special thanks to members from TMSA's Aspiring Leaders cohort, Ms. Burchfield, Mrs. M. Smith, and Mr. Walls, for planning, coordinating and carrying out the Breast Cancer Awareness Brunch on Friday, October 20, 2023.  Thank you for creating an opportunity to celebrate and honor those living with breast cancer, the survivors and the warriors of TMSA staff and their families. This heartfelt gesture was needed and valued. Thank YOU!
To TMSA survivors and those living with breast cancer, your strength is impeccable, your will is inspirational and your courage is admirable. We appreciate all that you give to TMSA when it is hard-physically and mentally. For this, we share well wishes for healthy healing, continued good health, and maintenance of your mind, body and soul.
K.C. Revere
The Main Street Academy