Congratulations to TMSA's Pacer Fitness Test All-Stars

TMSA students in 5th - 8th grades recently ran the Pacer FitnessTest.  The top three girls and boys in each grade are represented on the bulletin board near the school's gymnasium.  A special shout out to Royal Dancy who ran 105 laps and holds the new school record! Thank you to all the students who participated in the Pacer Test!
- Coach Monti
What is the Pacer Fitness Test?
The PACER Fitness Test, also referred to as the Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run test, is a fitness test designed to test your ability to stay on pace and stay in shape. In general, the PACER fitness test is used by young children in grades K-3, and by sports teams looking to gain an advantage and learn to pace themselves on the court or field. It is seen as being a particular effective test for younger children, because it's seen as a fun activity for them. It also helps them build up their self-esteem, because those children that finish last or are in the least shape actually finish the PACER fitness test first. It helps the kids stay in shape, too, but doesn't force them to run laps or sprint around the gym or field to do so. More details -