Important Reminders: TMSA's New Dismissal Procedures

February 18, 2022


Greetings TMSA Community,

The Main Street Academy’s new afternoon dismissal procedures successfully launched on Monday, February 14, 2022. We’re pleased to announce the afternoon car line is moving faster! Thank you so very much for your patience during this transitional period as dismissal is a team initiative. We especially thank our team of TMSA parent and grandparent carline volunteers! 

As we finalize the first week and enter the second week of the new dismissal procedures, please take note of the following reminders and updates that are pertinent to optimizing the flow of traffic:

  • Ensure your household’s car mirror tag (yellow, orange or green) is on display during dismissal. If you need a tag, please email TMSA’s Operations Manager, Eve Nealy, to request a tag and include your student’s full name, teacher’s name and grade level.
  • Please do not drive to the back parking lot, the green zone, unless you are directed to do so. This is a huge safety risk as students cross the back parking lot from the playground.
  • All TMSA siblings (and students who reside in the same household) and carpool riders should be picked up from the back of the school, the green zone. If you require a green car mirror and/or backpack tag, please email TMSA’s Operations Manager, Eve Nealy, to request the tag(s).
  • As the afternoon car line is moving faster, please pick up students by 3:45 p.m.  Students picked up from TMSA after 4:00 p.m. will be charged a $25/per student late fee at the time of pick-up.
  • Please DO NOT line up for afternoon car dismissal before 3:00 p.m. Staff is not on duty to input car dismissal numbers until 3:15 p.m. and students are not dismissed from school until after 3:20 p.m. The afternoon car line moves faster now, so there’s no need to line up early. Enjoy your extra time! 

Click here to review TMSA’s new dismissal procedures.


 Thank you,


TMSA Administration and Leadership