
Jamil Pearson is The Main Street Academy's Parent Liaison and is excited to serve as a bridge of communication between students, parents and teachers. She has served TMSA through a number of volunteer activities since joining the TMSA community in 2013.
The goal of the parent liaison is to provide parents with practical information on how to support their kids through their studies and social interactions. Ultimately, we should understand how our hands play a significant role in the success of our children. 
Throughout the school year, parent & family workshops are hosted to engage our school community in the learning support of students. Please stay connected through TMSA website, weekly newsletters and Class Dojo to be informed on all upcoming workshops. Each workshop also provides an opportunity for feedback from school community to help each of us work to improve the support and relationships between families and school.
As parent liaison, Jamil is a listening ear for your concerns and aims to help find a resolution, if needed.
She can assist with:
  • parent-teacher meetings,
  • participate and provide information on school enrichment activities/fundraisers,
  • providing testing information to parents/guardians,
  • direct our community on resources for crisis situations,
  • help increase volunteerism,
  • set appointments and tours for interested parents and students.
***Resource Center Availability is Limited and by Appointment***
Parent Resource Center is located upstairs in Rm 170.
Office Hours are 8:00 am - 1:45 pm, also by appointment. 
Uniform Shop & Resources are available during school hours, 8:00 am - 1:45 pm


We have started the 2020-2021 school year totally different than we all anticipated, but it's okay! We are in this together, but we also need to take a moment for ourselves. Here are a few actions that you can do to take care of your mind, so that you can continue to take care of your family!  

Welcome to Parent Resource Center

Here to assistant the TMSA Community of Parents and Teachers with resources and relationships that promote the best opportunities for our students.
Don't forget to check your schedule for your next available Wednesday to volunteer at TMSA for our Weekly Wednesday Volunteer Day!
This Wednesday, I've added a slot for 2 available parents to help monitor students on Wednesday morning between 7:00 am and 7:45 am while they are in the gym before school starts!
Be on the lookout for additional volunteer opportunities coming up throughout the school year!
Be sure to have a current background check on file.
Look forward to seeing you soon!
Looking for some additional resources to help you understand what your child(ren) are learning in school?
Here are a few links for FREE resources and/or worksheets that may be useful in gauging your child(ren) comprehension of what they may be learning in school: 
When our kids feel the support from home and school, they become even more confident and focused!
It was HOT! But, it was FUN! 
What was fun about being hot?! 
Helping in the afternoon car line!
I encourage you to also volunteer in either the morning or afternoon car line!
*If you haven't volunteered in car line before, you will get a better understanding of how hard our staff works to get students safely to their cars.
*You could help set students and/or parents/guardians focus for the morning or afternoon with a smile paired with a "good morning" or "have a great evening"!
When you're ready, just click on the Weekly Wednesday Volunteer link and sign up to help out with car line!
Hope to see you soon!
Mark your calendars to stop by the Media Center at 4:00 pm, for a quick tips session on using Infinite Campus Parent Portal!  
Infinite Campus is where you can stay up to date on all the assignments and grading your scholar is receiving at TMSA.
Getting the tips on how to navigate Infinite Campus is just the beginning...because Curriculum Night begins at 4:30 pm and here is where you will learn more about what your scholars are leaning!
Here's a link to Infinite Campus and lists the 2 ways you can gain access to the portal.